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Text messaging a glossary of terms
@ at
1 one
2 to, too
2day today сегодня
2moro tomorrow завтра
2nite tonight сегодня вечером
3sum threesome
4 for для
AAM as a matter of fact фактически
AB ah bless! ах благословляют!!
AFAIC as far as I'm concerned насколько я заинтересован(обеспокоен)
AFAIK as far as I know насколько я знаю
AKA also known as также известный как
ASAP as soon as possible как можно скорее
ATB all the best весь лучший
B be
BCNU be seeing you видеть вас
Bwd backward назад c
B4 before прежде
BBFN bye bye for now пока
BFN bye for now
BRB be right back
BTDT been there done that
BTW by the way
BYKT but you knew that
C see
CMIIW correct me if I'm wrong
CU see you
CYA see ya!
CUL8R see you later
CW2CU can't wait to see you
Doin doing
EOL end of lecture
FAQ frequently asked questions
FITB fill in the blank
F2T free to talk
FOAD f*** off and die
FUBAR f***ed up beyond all recognition
Fwd forward
FWIW for what it's worth
FYI for your information
GAL get a life
Gr8 great
GD&R grinning, ducking, and running
GG good game
HAND have a nice day
H8 hate
HTH hope this helps
Hot4U hot for you
IAC in any case
IAE in any event
IANAL I am not a lawyer (but...)
ICCL I couldn't care less
ICL in Christian love
IDK I don't know
IYSS if you say so
IHTFP I have truly found paradise [or]
I hate this f***ing place
IIRC if I recall correctly
ILUVU I love you
ILUVUMED I love you more each day
IMCO in my considered opinion
IMHO in my humble opinion
IMNSHO in my not so humble opinion
IMO in my opinion
IOW in other words
ITYFIR I think you'll find I'm right
IYKWIM if you know what I mean
JM2p just my two pennyworth
KIT keep in touch
L8 late
L8r later
Luv love
LOL lots of luck [or]
laughing out loud
MGB may God bless
MHOTY my hat's off to you
MMD make my day
MMDP make my day punk!
Mob mobile
Msg message
MYOB mind your own business
NE any
NE1 anyone
NH nice hand
NO1 no one
NRN no reply necessary
OIC oh I see!
OTOH on the other hand
PCM please call me
PITA pain in the arse
PLS please
PPL people
PS post script
QL cool
R are
RGDS regards
ROF rolling on the floor
ROTFL rolling on the floor laughing
RSN really soon now
RU are you?
RUOK are you OK?
SITD still in the dark
SIT stay in touch
SMS short message service
SOHF sense of humour failure
SOME1 someone
Stra stray
SWG scientific wild guess
SWALK sealed with a loving kiss поцелуй
THNQ thank you спасибо
Thx thanks спасибо
TIA thanks in advance
TIC tongue in cheek
Ti2GO time to go
TPTB the powers that be
TTFN ta ta for now па-па
TTUL talk to you later
TWIMC to whom it may concern
TUVM thank you very much большое спасибо
U you
UR you are
WAN2 want to
WAN2TLK? want to talk?
W with
Wknd weekend на выходных
WRT with respect to
WTTW word to the wise
WYSIWYG what you see is what you get
X kiss поцелуй
XLNT excellent
YKWYKD you know what you can do
YMMV your milage may vary
YR your
YTLKIN2ME? you talking to me?
YWIA you're welcome in advance
YYSSW yeah, yeah, sure, sure, whatever
WAN2TLK -хочешь поговорить
СкороченняЇх значення
насколько я знаю
AKA также известен как
ASAP как можно быстрее
ATB всего наилучшего
B4 раньше
BFN пока
BRB возвращайся
BTW между прочим
CU увидимся
CUL8R увидимся скоро
DETAI даже и не мечтай
EG ехидно улыбнулся
GR8 класно
HAND хорошего дня
IIIO техника в руках сумасшедшего
IDK я не знаю
ILUVU я тебя люблю
IMHO по моему скромному мнению
IMO по моему мнению
KIT оставайся на связи
L8 поздно
L8r позднее
LOL ржачка
MSG сообщение
OIC о, я понимаю
PCM пожалуйста позвони мне
PLS пожалуйста
RUOK с тобой все в порядке
SOHF не понимаю юмора
SWALK соеденено любовным поцелуем
U ти
UR ти є
XO обнiмаю i цiлую
<G глузлива посмiшка
<O>крики, вигуки схвалення

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